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This paper presents a study on translator students’ perceptions on post-editing. Students from two different Master’s level courses were asked to post-edit machine translated texts and reflect on the differences between light and full post-editing,
Anna Amnell ( Pirkko Anna Amnell, Pirkko Kolehmainen] Lehtikuva haastattelusta, joka tehtiin minusta amerikkalaisessa koululehdessä vuonna 1956, kun olin juuri saapunut Euroopasta.
Historia: Horna nace en Finlandia, en el año 1993, bajo el nombre de Shadowed, formada por el vocalista y guitarrista Shatraugh y el guitarrista Moredhel. El nombre cambió a Horna al unirse Gorthaur en 1994. Horna no comenzó a grabar hasta principios de 1995.
The religious parent will be pressurised into filing for full custody and even lie in court so that the other parent is seen as ‘an unfit parent’ and lose custody/contact with their children. Often parents who leave will experience domestic violence as the religious parent will resort to threats and emotional and physical abuse to try and coerce their spouse to remain married and living ...
Hizo el Profesorado de Música Clásica en sólo tres años; a los catorce años ya trabajaba en el café Vicente de la calle Corrientes. Fue acompañante en el conjunto criollo "La Cuyanita" y por un tiempo fue pianista de Roberto Firpo.
In my mind it connected two worlds, two cultures that have been important in my life: my poor early childhood in postwar Finnish countryside and Anglo-American culture. I had to buy the book and I still have it. I had the same feeling when I saw Jef Maion's photograph. Snow and blue light are the landscape of a Finn's mind, at least of my mind.
Takaisin Eurooppaan Jatkan leikekirjan tallentamista. Siihen aikaan, kun menin AFS- vaihto-oppilaaksi Yhdysvaltoihin, matkustin ensin junalla Iisalmesta Helsinkiin, sieltä Tukholmaan laivalla, sitten junalla Hollantiin, josta Arosa Kulm -niminen laiva vei New Yorkiin.